
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gratitude* Sunday

A habit over at Wooly Moss Roots, and one I love, is to post a list of Gratitudes from the week. What a nice thing. I thought I would try it out today. I'll miss next week, but only because I'll be out at Country Fair enjoying myself to the max. Not much time for blogging with all the adventures to be had...

This week I am grateful for:

*Fixing my favorite sunglasses. Modled here by Sister-Bug. I'm going to look so good next week!

Last summer I thought they might not be reparable. I'm so glad that I could save them.

*Stimualting converastion with my wonderful husband. I love the way he challanges my thoughts as a person and a writer.

*Time managing to stretch itself around me and the many things I need to get done, and still allowing for time to get my needed pregnancy rest.

*Watching Brother-Bug overcome his fear of fireworks and hold his first sparkler. It took him a while, but he was so happy when he did it.

Sparkling!! Flaming!! Bravery!!

*A really excellent prenatal. Strong heartbeat, felt both head and butt of baby (but still can't tell which is which), and everything was in perfect condition.

*It almost being FAIR!!!

*Having a former, and excellent, elementary educator as my Dad's wife. She's wonderful at helping me asses Brother-Bug's educational needs and also at pushing me to be improve as a teacher.

*It FINALLY being summer. It's hot. I can put on shorts in the morning. We have the windows wide open. I'm luxuriating in heat.

*The first fresh blueberries at Farmer's Market yesterday...and I didn't share them with anyone. I just enjoyed them all to myself while I worked. Ha!

What are you grateful for?


  1. Yay!! I am so glad you joined Gratitude Sunday. :) What a wonderful surprise to my day.
    I enjoyed reading your list.
    Have a blast at fair! We'll be at market. (And we'll miss you!) :)

    Love, Taryn

  2. I'm so glad you inspired me. I've been trying to remember to do this, but I don't always get to the computer on Sunday. Hopefully I'll get to it more.

  3. I enjoyed reading your gratitude list, and hello fellow Oregonian! I was just reading about the Country Fair in a local magazine, sounds like so much fun, I may have to plan to get down there next year. I look forward to reading more of your blog. :)

    1. OCF is a blast, and life consuming if you let it be! Welcome to reading my blog. I hope you enjoy.
